Beginning around age 40, your eyes can slowly begin to lose the ability to focus on objects close by. Fortunately, this unavoidable condition, known as Presbyopia, can be combated with bifocals or progressive lenses to help an individual maintain an active lifestyle.
Eclectic Eye Collierville Optometrist Dr. Ted Cooper has numerous years of experience helping patients with Presbyopia find a lens that offers the most natural vision. If you are looking for a progressive lens that provides the real-life vision, Dr. Cooper recommends the S Series by Varilux. Read the post below to learn why he recommends that specific lens by Essilor.
Why did you personally select this lens for your own frames? I’ve had some type of Varilux design in my frames for the past 20 years. I’ve worn Comfort 1 and 2, as well as Physio, but I currently wear the S Series.
It connects distance, midrange and near vision without that unsightly line that progressive lenses are known for. You can also custom-design these lenses with your individual measurements to ensure they provide the most natural vision and look possible.
In your opinion, why are Varilux lenses the best option for someone with Presbyopia? Varilux lenses provide the best natural vision for someone with this condition. There is mild to no peripheral distortion and less “swim” (off-balance, dizziness and blurriness when you’re moving your head). I only put patients in lenses I have worn before in order to give an honest and accurate assessment, and I love these lenses.
What types of Eclectic Eye patients are experiencing the most success with this lens? Why? Generally, patients who are at least 40 years old have been experiencing the most success with these lenses, but some younger patients love them, too. For example, Gabby Sehar, Eclectic Eye Eyewear Architect, loves her S Series lenses.
But primarily, we fit these lenses on active patients who want something that can handle exacting distance needs, as well as those who work with computers a considerable amount.
How does an individual get the most out of their Varilux lenses? How do you take care of them? I tell all my patients that they need to wear them all the time or as much as possible, as opposed to on and off. Wearing them frequently will help you adapt more quickly and successfully to the lens.
Personally, what does the Varilux lens offer you that other lenses you’ve worn haven’t? These lenses significantly decrease my peripheral distortion and provide wider mid- and near-reading areas.
They’re also great for my golf game! I don’t have to point with my noise to line up my putts anymore. They are truly the best real-life vision lenses I’ve ever worn.

To learn more about these lenses and find out if they’re the right fit for you, call us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cooper or Dr. Weinberg at (901) 276-3937.