Join our holiday effort to support DeNeuville Learning Center in Midtown Memphis and Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center in Collierville!
Throughout December, we’ll be collecting items from each organization’s online Wish List, which you can find below, and will donate the collected items before the end of the year to these worthy nonprofits. These donated items could drastically help non-profit organizations to continue providing services for the community. As well as this, some of them may also welcome monetary donations to help them achieve their goals and objectives, as well as allowing them to stay up and running. Maybe getting involved with a global day of giving, like giving tuesday could be something that people want to get involved in to ensure the growth and success of each organization? But for now, just receiving these donated items will be a step in the right direction for them all. If you’d like to support our effort, please drop-off Wish List and/or monetary donations to our Midtown Memphis (242 South Cooper Street) or Collierville (3670 Houston Levee Road, Suite 102) boutique during December.
We’re thrilled to begin a partnership with DeNeuville Learning Center, a Midtown Memphis nonprofit that guides women from all backgrounds and cultures in learning the skills needed to make positive choices for themselves and their families through education, counseling and promoting ways to enhance one’s self-worth.
For the second year in a row, we’re partnering with Page Robbins to promote their wonderful mission of caring for individuals in our community with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, as well as caring for their caregivers.

For more information, please call us at 901.276.3937.