One of the most common questions we are asked is about insurance coverage. People want to know if we are on their plan. We made an active decision several years ago to be an Out-Of-Network provider for commercial insurance plans. This was a well thought out decision and part of a comprehensive plan to make sure we could concentrate on what we do best – provide amazing eyewear and exceptional service. We make this easy for our clients by filing and mailing the insurance paperwork so they get a prompt reimbursement. We quickly realized that we are much better equipped as an Out-Of-Network provider, to go above and beyond the expectations of our customers and patients.
We strive to make every patient’s experience remarkable. We take time and get to know every patient, and review personal and family history, as well as exploring their hobbies, work activities and individual needs. This takes more time, but it allows us to better evaluate visual needs and often leads to solutions for complaints that the patient could not articulate. Our refraction is in-depth and not delegated to assistants or computer devices. Our eye exams are thorough and include Optos retinal imaging, visual field and OCT retinal screening, allowing us to detect early glaucoma and retinal issues. The Optos device allows for comprehensive views of the structures at the back of the eye without dilation. This creates a more comfortable experience, while maintaining the detailed approach. At the conclusion of each visit, we have a comprehensive discussion on our findings and plan, including time for the patient to ask questions. This would not be possible if we were trying to triple book patients to adjust for low insurance reimbursements and higher administrative costs.

We continue to offer the most eclectic selection of eyeglasses in Memphis and the Mid-South. We carefully curate our collection ranging from simply elegant to timeless classics to funky art for the face. We strive to work with independent companies whose designers have a passion to create something beautiful for our customers. This would be more difficult with the insurance company influencing our purchasing to align with their partners or parent companies. One of the big three vision plans is owned by the big corporation that slaps “designer” labels on different frames that are all made in the same factory lines. They require providers to buy a certain number of frames from their parent company. Other insurance companies have a tower of frames or a small box of frames from which the patient can select, or the patient could go out-of-pocket for a better quality frame. We see no reason why patients should have to compromise on the most visible and functional parts of their wardrobe.
Perhaps most importantly, we cherish the relationships we have built over the years and want to ensure those relationships continue. People change jobs and employers change benefit plans. Patients that we had seen for years would tell us, “I can’t come there anymore.” Often the patient would be upset with us for not being on their new plan. The only way to keep people happy was to accept all the plans, but more insurance was not the answer. I realized when patients sheepishly returned, as if they had cheated on me, that they understood the value of what we do. At Eclectic Eye, we are happy to help people from all walks of life. We don’t care what you drive, where you live or how much you earn. We want patients that appreciate the level of service and the incredible eyewear we offer. We want patients that are tired of the hum-drum eyewear that is passed off as “designer brand” and the sub-standard service that is propagated by the typical insurance-based practice. We love the relationships that we are afforded with patients that choose us and advocate for us because of our roots to and involvement in the community.