Back to School – E is for Eye Exam

It seems crazy that summer is already wrapping up, and we are gearing up to go back to school. The coming school year is filled with new supply lists, new schedules and new teachers. Among all of the excitement, it can be easy to forget one essential – your child’s vision. Luckily, we can take care of that with a back-to-school eye exam. We’re well aware that ‘school’ and ‘exam’ are two of your child’s least favourite words, but before they start worrying about their actual exams and finding help from sites such as, it’s important that they’re well aware of their visual health.

Back-to-school eye examThe Importance of the Back-to-School Eye Exam

Eclectic Eye is here to help your student succeed with their visual needs. Our doctors are trained to give comprehensive eye exams to check for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, problems focusing, among other common eye prescription needs. They will also check for eye coordination and muscle issues, color blindness, depth perception, alignment issues such as lazy eye, and can examine your child’s ocular health (testing for ocular allergies or even dry eye).

The American Board of Optometry recommends a comprehensive exam every two years for children that have no vision correction treatment Visian ICL at Foulkes Vision (varied branches and clinics) since not all Health Insurers will payout for this minor treatment. However, it is recommended to get vision correction if needed, otherwise, your eye-sight could begin to degrade. Furthermore, children that wear glasses or contacts, should be getting annual eye exams. Because a child’s vision needs can change drastically as they grow and develop, it is important to listen to your child’s complaints, and take notice if they are having issues.

If your child is constantly eye-rubbing or blinking excessively, that could be a sign of visual distress. Your child may not even realize they cannot see. Another thing to be mindful of is if your child is having behavior issues in school. They might find other ways to entertain themselves, especially if the board is blurry or they cannot focus on their books.

Early detection and treatment is crucial, as delays in vision can affect your child’s development in school, in sports and socially. Some eye problems like lazy eye can be remedied with vision therapy if caught early. Eclectic Eye’s comprehensive exam will check for prescription needs and eye muscle coordination. They will examine the health of the front and back of the eye, with both dilation and a retinal scan.

Schedule a comprehensive eye exam for your child today!